Target Markets
Here are some industries that we have identified as being prime target markets for our products and services. If you have experienced some success in other markets not listed, please let us know and we will add them to the list! Be sure to check out the portfolio section, which contains samples of some of the identified markets.
Fire Departments, Fire Protection Districts, and EMS
This is the #1 target market for Vitalboards® and Vital ICE. These departments, typically FD's and FPD's rely heavily on public relations to help them secure votes for upcoming bond issues. They like to be out in the community helping citizens where they can, sometimes handing out smoke detectors, etc. Vitalboards® are an excellent giveaway for them, and providing citizens with their key code for Vital ICE will help them deliver important emergency alerts and other notifications. HINT: The point of contact you should be asking for is the Chief. Sometimes there is a Chief Medical Officer, who sometimes is tasked with program implementation such as this. A competing program of Vitalboards® is called 'The File of Life', and consists of a small (think tradeshow badge size) piece of paper stuck inside a clear sleeve with red vinyl backing and two strips of magnets. They have to purchase these as well from the issuing company, but very few organizations like to use these because: A) They don't look very nice on the refrigerator doors, B) They lack everyday utility, and C) They don't stick to stainless steel refrigerators. For these reasons accoring to those FD's and EMS surveyed, they seldom are able to locate the File of Life inside the home, where it was intended to be readily available to them. Also, if the organization accepts donations in full or in part, then they would be very interested in the App, as they can enable a 'Donate Now!' button which can link to their PayPal payment page or alternate URL of their choosing. This donation button can be enabled/disabled whenever they would like (this works for ANY account).
Urgent Care Facilities
Urgent Care facilities are becoming more and more prevalant as hospital ER wait times increase. Given the uptick in demand coupled with ever-increasing competition, Urgent Care's need to market continually to keep, and expand on their market share. HINT: Sometimes they like to partner up with the local ambulance / EMS service, so it's always a good idea to approach them with this idea.
Funeral Homes
Funeral Homes all have one thing in common: they hate each other! The death care industry is HIGHLY competitive, and therefore it is each Funeral Home's duty to capture as much of the local market share as possible. They typically do this by hosting grief counseling and pre-arrangement seminars, which keeps them in contact with local families. HINT: Contact the Funeral Director at a FH and tell them that you have something very special to share, that will help them get some free local PR exposure. Then email them THIS. The TV article highlights a local FH providing the Vitalboards® program to their community free of charge, and how the program promotes the saving of lives (see the irony here?). FH's typically also know the Fire Chief in the area personally, which is a shoe-in if they wish to co-sponsor the program with that FD/FPD. Asking your contact at the FH to contact the Chief on your behalf sometimes works very well, and softens the resistence over that the FD/FPD.
Hospitals are typically ever-expanding and they market continuously. Their goal is to be one of, if not the best Hospital in the state or nation, so they do a lot of community outreach throughout the year. Wellness initiatives are often funded by Hospitals for their cardiac centers and other rehab outlets. NOTE: A government agency has recently challenged Hospitals with putting in place a more unified communications program for patients, in regards to accessing their current medical information. Vital ICE would be an excellent tool for any Hospital because the app can transmit user data to any email address on demand, making user-provided data forwarding for the responding EMS a reality. FEMA is also challenging Hospitals to establish the ability to send notifications to the public in emergencies, so the App would be ideal for this feature alone.
Senior Care & Assisted Living Facilities
Currently there is no standardized method of listing patient informaiton within senior care and assisted living facilites. Since Vitalboards® can adhere to any surface, they can be used inside of the room in plain view, and utilized by the resident as a helpful daily reminder platform. HINT: Vital ICE can send a text message to all emergency group contacts at the same time, which instructs them to dial 911 for the sender, and contains a map with pushpin location, showing their location. This could be extremely beneficial especially for seniors, who can activate this feature and dial 911 all from the same screen within the app (PRO feature, requires a nominal in-app purchase).
Insurance Providers & Agents
In the insurance industry, it's all about relationships. Future growth is dependent upon not only continued prospecting, but more importantly...referrals. There's no coincidence why a lot of insurance agents purchase refrigerator business card magnets. They realize that the most visited room in the home is the kitchen, and the most used appliance in the kitchen is the refrigerator. HINT: A lot of smaller agents do not have a huge budget for items such as the complete program, so try and first present the app, as technology is more appealing to this type of client than print. They will then see Vitalboards® as almost a necessity to advertise their 4-digit key code.
The average customer can be worth about $700 or more per year to Chiropractors, as long as they come in for regular adjustments. Referrals are hugely important to them, and equally important is to keep 'spine health' in the minds of their patients. HINT: The Vitalboards® program is an excellent handout at the end of each adjustment visit and new patient consultation. Consider many times do you wake up in the morning and go to the kitchen to access the refrigerator? Is your back feeling 100% flexible at that time? So you can see the obvious benefit of having the Chiropractor's image and branded message front and center each morning.
Dentists typically receive continual business and don't experience that much attrition from existing clientele, however they do seek referral business. For this reason, they can also benefit from being front and center in a patent's kitchen. When you think of where everyone congregates during a get-together in your home, where do they typically group? Of course the kitchen, which is the precise location the Dentist's information needs to be. NOTE: Many dentists are using social media more and more to expand on their current business. This could be an excellent lead-in by using the App as the conversation starter.
Real Estate Agent
Real estate agents NEED to market continuously due to the great amount of competition. Vital ICE and the Vitalboards® program would be a way for them to set themselves apart, and put their image and contact information inside the product they would like to list! HINT: Real estate agents do spend a lot on ad specialties, however their budgets are sometimes very thin. We suggest coming in with the App first, since it is at a lower price point. Later, they will see the need for the entire program. Since media attention is so precious when it comes FREE, they would be very interested in that aspect as well.
Not For Profit Organizations
For organizations that rely solely on donations, the Vitalboards® program is perfect, putting their branded message front and center on the refrigerator doors within their target communities. NOTE: They would particularly like the Vital ICE App, as they can enable a 'Donate Now!' button which can link to their PayPal payment page or alternate URL of their choosing. This donation button can be enabled/disabled whenever they would like (this works for ANY account). Advertising for the App and their 4-digit key code can be accomplished by designing it into the Vitalboards® layout. If the NFP organization cannot afford the program but sees the value in it being a part of their fundrasing efforts, offer to them the possibility of an external co-sponsor, such as an existing business that donates regularly.